The Analogy of Analyzing
The Analogy of Analyzing... Hello weekend readers. I hope your Thanksgiving holiday was wonderful (and your football team won?). I was going to write something different [...]
The Analogy of Analyzing... Hello weekend readers. I hope your Thanksgiving holiday was wonderful (and your football team won?). I was going to write something different [...]
Those Who Can Make A Difference SHOULD Make A Difference! Hello weekend readers. You can see my musings in the headline, so let’s just think [...]
“Whoever gains a wise heart loves his own soul, and whoever preserves understanding experiences true goodness.” - Proverbs 19:8 [VOICE] A Time to Think… “Give something, [...]
Should I Go or Should I Stay?... Greetings weekend readers. We’re 7 days from Christmas and I’m sure we’re all working on decorations, gifts, etc, or [...]