Why would anyone harm you if you eagerly do good?
Even if you should suffer for doing what is right, you will receive a blessing.
Don’t let them frighten you. Don’t be intimidated,
but exalt 
Him as Lord in your heart.
Always be ready to offer a defense humbly and respectfully,
when someone asks why you live in hope.
-1 Peter 3: 13-16 The Voice

A Time to Think … “Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.”  ―Andrew Murray, writer & pastor

A Time to Act … Don’t give up on your goals just because others harass you and disrespect you. God is the Giver of your goals and wants you to achieve them, expand them and live them. You-can-do-this my friend!

A Time to Pray… O God, I want to have goals for my life, but I know if You are not in them, they will never come to any fruition and will remain nothing but a hopeless dream. Help me to walk with You daily, listen to Your Word and set my goals according to Your wisdom. Give me strength when others scoff, and increase my trust in You that I can accomplish what You have given me. I ask this in Your Name, AMEN.