Wisdom … Pass It On!

Good morning, Hump Day readers. I recently purchased the book, Live and Learn and Pass It On, written by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. You may know of his million-seller book Life’s Little Instruction Book, (Vol. 1,2 & 3) which today remains a best-seller. Jackson passed away in 2021, but his wit and “get-out-there-encouragement-for-life” remains in the 25+ books he wrote, the endless quotes that are used daily from schools to the boardroom, and just his huge persona that still lives on and encourages folks every day.

I have used many of Jackson’s quotes in teaching and my writing. He has “hidden wisdom” in just about everything. My favorite is: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Jackson was a man of deep faith with a huge heart that he loved sharing with others. Here are a few of the ‘wisdoms’ he learned from speaking with people everywhere and every age. Don’t be surprised at the age of the people who shared these ‘wisdoms!’

  • Lending money to friends and relatives causes them to get amnesia. (32)
  • Always put on a new bathing suit and get it wet before wearing it in public. (21)
  • No situation is so bad that losing your temper won’t make it worse. (41)
  • You shouldn’t leave your fork on the plate when you reheat food in the microwave. (13)
  • When you’re too busy for friends, you’re too busy. (48)
  • Life is like a 10-speed bicycle – most of us have gears we never use. (59)
  • When parents say, “It doesn’t matter what we think, you are the one dating him,” it means they hate the guy. (24)
  • Keep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you may have to eat them. (38)
  • The more mistakes you make, the smarter you get. (13)
  • If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today. (21)

The book of Job was often woven into Jackson’s writing and quotes. One of his favorites, which based his “words of wisdom” above, is from Job 32:6-9 (NIV).

“So Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite said: “I am young in years, and you are old.
That is why I was fearful, not daring to tell you what I know.

I thought, ‘Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.’
But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.
It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right.

It has often been said that ‘One of the remarkable benefits of getting older is that you have many life lessons like these that you can share with others.’ In fact, many cultures around the world live by such words and often the young are not often listened to or paid much attention, which is what set Elihu off when he spoke passionately to Job and his friends who had nothing to say. Elihu reminded Job that wisdom comes from God alone and if must listen and take it to heart. You don’t have to be up-in-your-years to have wisdom—however…

Yes, there is a ‘however’ – those of us who have been around a while and learned many lessons about living life, should be ready to share the wisdom they have found. Whether that lesson was good or bad, you learned from it and sharing that wisdom with someone who may be stuck in their own “rock in a hard place” can help and give them the encouragement to forge ahead. Our life experiences can be very uplifting to someone down and out, and even more, a great time to just “laugh out loud” with one another which lifts the spirits quickly.

In closing, take a moment to identify one person in your life that might benefit from your wisdom today. Ask God first in how you should (or shouldn’t) share it. With God in your words, you can be confident in helping another. The benefits? Be ready for not only uplifting them, but yourself as well. And don’t be surprised that you just may find a new life-lesson, too! AMEN.