A Messiah In Disguise
A Messiah In Disguise... Hello Hump Day Readers. A joyful and hopeful New Year to you all! So, Christmas is in the past and a new [...]
A Messiah In Disguise... Hello Hump Day Readers. A joyful and hopeful New Year to you all! So, Christmas is in the past and a new [...]
“Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our [...]
Sticky Notes Of Kindness...Hello weekend readers. I have read over 4 stories about kindness this week. Every Friday night on CBS Al and I love [...]
The Power Of Friendship... Hello Hump Day readers. My devotion today is because of a birthday—our neighbor. Gloria and Hal were new to us, but now [...]
You Can Learn A Lot From An Ant! ...Obviously my weekend readers must think I’ve lost my mind (don’t worry, that happened a long time [...]
Bold Yet Meek... Good morning Hump Day readers. The devotion I was going to use today got usurped by the Holy Spirit, who does that often [...]
A Sweater Wrapped Up In LOVE! ...Hello Weekend Readers, we’re in our last Advent musings and they are all about LOVE—the real love that came [...]
The Downside of Convictions... Hello Hump Day readers! Only a few days until another weekend comes around and the month of September will almost be in [...]
A Lesson Wrapped Up In A Quiz... Hello to my Hump Day readers. I thought you might like a quiz today for part of this devotion. [...]
Compassion…Where Has It Gone? ...Welcome to my weekend musings about compassion. I was going to write something else, but after watching children being thrown back [...]