We know that the Son of God has come
and has given us understanding
so that we know the real God.
We are in the one who is real,
his Son Jesus Christ.
This Jesus Christ is the real God and eternal life.
1 John 5:20 –[GNT]


Time to Think … “If ever there was a time to say, “I resolve to stand against treachery in the streets of my city,” it is now. If ever there was a time to say, “I resolve to advocate civil justice, and to be a citizen of principle,” it is now. If ever there was a time to say, “I resolve to be an honest and loving spouse and parent,” it is now. If ever there was a time to say, “I resolve to watch out for my neighbor,” it is now. If ever there was a time to say, “I resolve to be more impassioned to give than to take,” it is now. If ever there was a time to say, “I resolve to seek God with all my heart,” it is now. If ever there was a time to say, “I need to find a deeper and true faith in God,” it is now!” ―Rev. Mel Lawrenz, Minister at large for Elmbrook Church, and director of The Brook Network, Chaplain at the Pile for 9 months.

A Time to Act … In Psalm 25 there are three things King David asked of God: “God, please guide me, please forgive me, and please protect me.” In these tenuous and often-treacherous times, let us adopt David’s attitude and ask God daily for guidance, forgiveness and protection.

A Time to Pray… O God of Wisdom, O Christ our forgiveness, O Holy Spirit our guide and protection, I ask this day that you fill me with all that I need to act, think and live as your child in this crazy world. Triune God strengthen my faith and fill my heart with compassion, wisdom, mercy and grace, AMEN.