“…speak encouraging words to one another.
Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this,
no one left out, no one left behind.
I know you’re already doing this—just keep on doing it.”
—1 Thessalonians 5:11 [Message]

A Time to Think … “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.”  ―Mother Theresa

A Time to Act … God doesn’t ask us to help the world, but God does ask us to help one another, one at a time, day by day, and together we all can help our world. As you go about your day, let that sink in, find one person who needs encouragement, a smile, a cup of cold water … you can do this!

A Time to Pray… O Lord, sometimes we feel like we have to engage everyone and everything to make a difference and yet, right in front of us is someone who needs us and we pay no attention. Open our eyes to see the need, open our ears to hear the cries, open our mouths with kindness and encouragement and also, Lord may our hearts be open to the kindness of others. Fill our souls with the delight of sharing YOU in our lives whether it is in our own backyards, our community and our world, AMEN.