“Surrender yourself to the Lord,
and wait patiently for him.”
-Psalm 37:7 [GW]

A Time to Think… “To pray is to listen, to move through my own chattering to God, to that place where I can be silent and listen to what God may have to say.“ ―Madeleine L’Engle, author 

A Time to Act… When you arise today, what are you hoping to accomplish? What do you want this day to be? If you continue in your own “chattering to self” you block out the voice of God who has so much to say to you for this day. Quiet yourself and listen! 

A Time to Pray… O Lord,  let me be as quick to forget my troubles and my constant self-talk. It is when I am quiet with you I realize the blessings you have given me all my life and will continue to eternity. Your goodness is an “always” and your voice is my path. Quiet me so I can listen to you and you alone, Amen.