“And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and
to walk humbly with your God. ”
-Micah 6:8

A Time to Think… “Blessings can come in a number of ways. The Lord doesn’t give you what you want, the Lord gives you what you need.”  ―Eric Davis, former professional baseball player

A Time to Act…  When was the last time you counted your blessings? This isn’t about the “stuff” you have, it is about the mercy, grace, and joy blessings, the ones that God imparts to you every day. But sadly we don’t look for that while we’re cruising on Amazon. We need to start today in seeking and recognizing the blessings God has given us and when we do each day is going to be honoring to God.

A Time to Pray… O Lord, forgive me for counting my blessings about the stuff I have instead of the precious gifts you give me. I look at fine clothing, you walked this earth with a humble robe. I need to get back to your priorities so I can stay humble, cherish your mercy and share it with others. Give me a deeper desire today to live the words of your prophet Micah. O Lord hear my prayer, AMEN.