“You should greatly rejoice in what is waiting for you, even if now for a little while you have to suffer various trials.” -1 Peter 1:6 [Voice]

A Time to Think…
“Joy is really a road sign pointing us to God. Once we have found God…we no longer need to trouble ourselves so much about the quest for joy.” -C.S. Lewis

A Time to Act…
Try this when you awake today: say to yourself, “Self, today I choose joy, no matter the circumstances. Because my joy comes from the Lord!”  You’ll be amazed how you can wet the fire that may be burning with anger by choosing the joy of the Lord.

A Time to Pray…
O Lord, we live in a tough world that seems to get angrier every single day. Sometimes it’s hard to look forward for each day; we wonder what gut-punch is coming to us. Help us to put these problems into your hands, and exchange our anger and fear to the JOY that only you can give us. AMEN.