Do not be like them. Your prayers need not be labored or lengthy or grandiose—for your Father knows what you need before you ever ask Him.

Matthew 6: 8 [Voice]

A Time to Think …  “Faith will lead you where you cannot walk. Reason has never been a mountain climber.”   –E. W. Kenyon, pastor

A Time to Act … Situations will arise every day until Jesus takes us home. Until then, we depend on the faith God has placed in our hearts to face each one with courage instead of fear, and the JOY of knowing that God already knows just what we need all the time!

A Time to Pray… Dear Lord, I know you know everything about me and what I need, yet I find myself depending on me, or others, or some self-help book or…in other words, I place you as my last option instead of my first one. You have given me faith please help me live in it and trust it instead of trying my own ways first. Nudge me with your Holy Spirit when I falter, for only in You can I be strong, AMEN.