If You Could See What I See… Hello weekend readers. I know this week hasn’t been easy with its devastating weather, heat, fires, etc. My prayers have gone out for those in the path of nature’s wrath. It seems that lately we hear, see and experience the extreme power of nature and we can only see more of it coming. We just try to hang on as best as we can. And this brings me to the thought that I wish I could see what God sees (be sure you’re ready for it, it can be very humbling).

For instance, my ups and downs with our satellite provider. DISH has always been pretty easy to work with but lately that good customer service seems to be diminishing. They sent me an email about our loyalty to them and a new discounted price. My answer was a very loud ‘hallelujah’ because it is expensive. They said I would receive a confirmation email in a few days. When it came it was not what they told me it would be! Of course, I called them right away and asked for a supervisor—it’s quicker than going through several people who really are not trained in how to handle this. She told me she could see the loyalty discount and it would soon show up on my statement. Well, when that came no discount was to be found. Another call, another supervisor who then sent me up to their ‘head’ supervisor. He was very kind and said to me, “Mrs. Warnier, I wish you could see what I can see.” And he emailed what I could not see, which was the fact that, when I called for my loyalty discount, it was so close to the ending of my month that it would come on the next month and included the back discount on the same day I called. Kindness from him and relief for me!


However, I couldn’t get his words “I wish you could see what I see” out of my head. I know God was trying to speak to me but I wasn’t about to listen in the middle of my satellite debacle which was no debacle at all. It was like the story in 2 Kings where Elisha’s servant saw huge Aramaean armies coming for Elisha. Frightened, he ran to Elisha who told him to not be afraid. Easy to say—difficult to believe. But read on because this story is all about what we can/cannot see! Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!” Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.  As the Aramean army advanced toward him, Elisha prayed, “O Lord, please make them blind.” So the Lord struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked. Then Elisha went out and told them, “You have come the wrong way! This isn’t the right city! Follow me, and I will take you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to the city of Samaria. As soon as they had entered Samaria, Elisha prayed, “O Lord, now open their eyes and let them see.” So the Lord opened their eyes, and they discovered that they were in the middle of Samaria.” For Elisha’s servant, he discovered that there was definitely more to the situation than he could see!

There’s no doubt that what and how we see can make a huge difference! Yet, we do not have that power to see what God is working behind the scenes in our lives. People turn to crystal balls to figure out what happens next in their lives and what they wind up seeing is pretty much a blank wall. There is a much better solution for us and that is to “see through the eyes of the faith the Holy Spirit has instilled in us.” To do this means to open the Scriptures and read God’s Word, memorize some of those passages that can give us strength, hope and focus. Doing this makes the truths in God’s word more real to us and perhaps we just may see more of what God sees?!

We have all encountered challenging situations in our lives. I’ve felt surrounded by hatred, hurt, avarice, gossip, and threats that sap my body, mind, heart and soul. Yet, I know that I am also surrounded by the army of God which is always impenetrable, always there for me. The battle belongs to God—not me, now if I could only practice that when stuff comes up!

My friend and faith-leader, Lysa TerKuerst says “When those times come knocking on our door, it is the perfect time to ‘exercise our FAITH-VISION!’” With eyes that can see the power of faith at work, we also see that God’s plans for us are so much more than we could imagine. After all, doesn’t God “work together for our good?” [Romans 8:28]. So, keep ‘keeping on’ and remember: there’s more to your life than you can see! AMEN.