“I will ask the Father to send you another Helper,
the Spirit of truth, who will remain constantly with you.”

-John 14:16 [voice]

A Time to Think… “God shields us from most of the things we fear, but when He chooses not to shield us, He unfailingly allots grace in the measure needed.” -Elisabeth Elliot, author

A Time to Act… What will your routine be today? One of grace of one of fear? We face all kinds of things every day and God is there always to shield us, or open us up for something that God wants us to pay attention to. Never worry, what God does for us is always good!

A Time to Pray… Almighty God, help me to have complete confidence in this day, knowing that you are there wherever I go and in whatever I say and do. I will listen to the leading of your Holy Spirit who is my constant companion. I praise you for taking care of me and I love you with my whole heart, soul and mind, AMEN.