“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you.”

-Ephesians 4:32 [ESV]

A Time to Think… “The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” -Marianne Williamson, Author

A Time to Act… When you begin your prayers today, is there someone you need to forgive? Perhaps it may even be yourself? Our hurting world needs forgiveness and God wants us to be the ones to forgive and share the power of forgiveness that can change lives for eternity. Are you up to the task?

A Time to Pray… O God, you have forgiven me so often I can even count it! Yet, there are many times I struggle with forgiving others. Help me to get out of my stubborn mind-set so I can not only forgive others but forgive myself for not forgiving others! In your strength, I can reach out with your love, forgiveness and mercy to those who are hurting and have lost their way. May I be your voice to them and my heart of love to them. AMEN.