Jesus said…
“For whatever is in your heart
determines what you say.
A good person produces good things
from the treasury of a good heart
and an evil person produces evil things
from the treasury of an evil heart.

-Matthew 12:34–35 [NLT]

A Time to Think… In a sense, the words that we speak are the table of contents for our lives. What we say gives away who we really are.” ―Greg Laurie, Pastor, Author, Founder of Harvest Ministries

A Time to Act… When you awake today, be determined to listen to your heart where God is speaking to you. Let God’s words calm you and give you the “grace-laced words” that will help you and those around you today.

A Time to Pray… O God, I am so sorry that I can spout things that are ugly, untrue, and hurtful to others and totally forget whose I am—your child. I want people to know that I am your child, my precious Savior who loves me despite my sins. May my heart be filled with you so I can share that love and grace with others, AMEN.