“Take control of what I say, O LORD
and guard my lips.”

-Psalm 141:3 [NIV]

A Time to Think… “Have you ever noticed that God gave us one mouth and two ears? Perhaps it’s because He wants us to listen more and speak less rather than jump to conclusions and pass judgment in a situation.” ―Greg Laurie, Pastor, Author

A Time to Act… We so crave to have control of our lives yet the best control for us is in God alone. So next time you are wanting to control the show, remember Solomon’s words from Proverbs 18:13: “Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.” Give your control to God and your day will be amazing!

A Time to Pray… O Lord, it is so easy to start one little rumor, one little statement about someone that comes from our lips because we are upset with them, we want to be in control but we forget how this could inflict terrible damage. We should know this because we have been in that same spot. Today, give my mind and words to be filtered through you, guard my lips that what I say and do will encourage instead of hurt. In your strength I ask it, AMEN.