“Don’t revel only in the past or spend all your time
recounting the victories of days gone by.
    Watch closely: I am preparing something new;
it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it.
I am preparing a way through the desert;
    Waters will flow where there had been none.”
-Isaiah 43:18-19 Voice

A Time to Think… The sad fact is, many don’t ever cross the bridge to their future because they’re not willing to burn the bridge to their past.  ―Christine Caine, Writer, Author and Biblical Teacher

A Time to Act… If you are still waiting every day for the courage to cross the bridge to your dreams and aspirations, you have already missed thousands of opportunities. God wants you to cross that bridge and come to him. He has prepared for you something way beyond your thoughts and aspirations. Today, wake up and run over that bridge!

 A Time to Pray… Holy Spirit, Comforter and Guide, forgive me for the times I have turned away from the path you are directing me. Fill me anew with confidence and strength to walk over the tough bridges in my life and then burn them and keep them in my past so I can bridge new adventures in faith. Put flight to my feet that I may run to God and rest in his goodness and mercy, AMEN.