“And hope will never fail to satisfy our deepest need
because the Holy Spirit that was given to us
has flooded our hearts with God’s love.
-Romans 5:5 (Voice)

A Time to Think… He who has God and everything has no more than he who has God alone. ―C.S. Lewis

A Time to Act… If you continue to pursue happiness by buying stuff, doing stuff, and thinking all this will make your life satisfied, you will soon find out stuff is never as good as the love of God. Satisfaction is in God alone—and there is nothing to add to that to make it better!

A Time to Pray… O Lord, our society tells us we need this or that to have a satisfied life, and even though I know that’s a lie, I pursue that path anyway. I have burdened my finances, filled up my cupboards, and I find myself wondering still what I am missing? It is you, O my loving Savior, that I miss. I cannot replace “stuff” with you. Help me to trust you more and leave my wayward wanderings behind. Thank you kind Jesus, AMEN.