“God said, “My presence will go with you.
I’ll see the journey to the end.”
-Exodus 33:14 (Message)

A Time to Think… Look deep within yourself and recognize what brings life and grace into your heart….You are loved by God. ―Christopher de Vinck, novelist, essayist, poet and writer for Loyola Press.

A Time to Act… Is today the day you are determined to relax and accept God’s grace in times of stress? Oh weary traveler, let it be so for resting in God gives you joy on your life’s journey!

A Time to Pray… O Lord and Savior, I need a daily reminder that I am not alone and I don’t walk my journey in this life alone either. Yet I so easily embrace anxiety and stress and forget to rest in that grace. Fill me anew with the breath of your Holy Spirit, that I may face each day arising with you by my side, confident and content no matter what comes my way. In you I put my trust, AMEN.