“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God,
the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love
with those who love him and keep his commandments,
to a thousand generations …”
-Deuteronomy 7:9 ESV

A Time to Think… “God might not show up on our timetable, but God always honors his timetable. Even though it might feel like God is slow or unaware, take heart that the truth is just the opposite. God is good, God is with you, and God’s timing is perfect. ”―Christine Caine, Author, Bible teacher and founder of A2 Anti-Sex Trafficking Global Foundation 

A Time to Act… I believe that God is faithful to keep His promises but when I need that promise now, I tend to worry and even wonder where God is? I need to start my day with saying out-loud, “God, thank you for another day and in this day you are in charge and not me.” It is in the giving-up of my own self that God can work through me on this new day…and every day!

A Time to Pray… O Lord, my faithful God and Savior, you have never broken your promises to all of your children. Instead you have given us life in abundance and just for everything we need. Yet, we complain that you are slow, or you do not hear our prayers and we repent of such sin, because you hear us always and answer us always. O Holy Spirit, breathe in us your wisdom and the trust we need in believing that what God is doing and will be doing is always for our good, AMEN.