“He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” -Revelation 22:20 [NLT]

A Time to Act…
“The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.” -Henri Nouwen, Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian

A Time to Think…
This morning when you wake up, what will come your way today? It could be Jesus coming for us all, and yet it can be Jesus just coming to sit by your side and have a conversation with his child. We don’t know when Jesus is coming, but we have the assurance that he will come, as he did on Christmas, and when he returns again to take us to heaven.

A Time to Pray…
O Precious Jesus, as I walk through Advent listening to the stories of first coming, I can easily put it aside because I know the story. But stop me from doing that. Instead, tell me that story, over and over again so I can find encouragement every day in this holiday season. Keep me reminded that you are coming and you do come into my life every day. AMEN.