Epiphany Guidance… Hello Weekend readers. The new year is on and yet I find myself musing on the Christmas story yet. The reason? Epiphany, which isn’t really a new season—it is the continuance of the Christmas story. So, step into my musing on this powerful “Epiphany Guidance.”
It’s clear that the Wise Men arriving 12 days after Jesus’ birth is incorrect. The timing does not fit. Since Mary and Joseph were devout Jews, had they received the precious gifts of great value from the Wise Men, they could have sold some of the gold, frankincense, or myrrh and purchased a lamb to offer to God when presenting Jesus in the temple. Instead, they offered birds which were the offering for the poor who could not purchase a lamb.
So, there is legend and there is the Scriptures. Is any of this that important? Yes—because this story is one of He Will Lead You Home!
When Jesus was presented in the temple, we find Simeon, a God-fearing man. The Holy Spirit was with him and assured him that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s promised Messiah. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and cried out with joy “Now, Lord, you have kept your promise and you may let your servant go in peace. With my own eyes I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples: A light to reveal your will to the Gentiles and bring glory to your people Israel.” [Luke 2:29 GNT]
Then came a very old prophetess, a widow named Anna who had been married for only seven years and was now eighty-four years old. This prayer warrior of the Temple longed for the Messiah, so when she had heard the words of Simeon she ran to see Jesus then “She gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were waiting for God to set Jerusalem free.” [Luke 2:38 GNT] Anna is often called the first evangelist because she could not stop sharing the gift that the Messiah has come!
Later come the wise men at Jesus’ home. After worshipping Christ the child, the wise men “departed for their own country another way.” [Matthew 2:12 GNT] What Matthew was saying is: these men went home as different men. Called by a sign, instructed by Scripture, and directed home by God. No doubt, these men would share this miracle Messiah all through the next two years as they made their way home.
So, let’s think about this—and think long and hard. To me, it’s as if all the forces of heaven cooperated to guide Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, Simeon, Anna, the Wise Men and even Herod whose motives were deadly but God’s angels had stopped him in his tracks. Now that truly completes the Christmas story, don’t you think?!
Now, how about you and me? Are we listening when God is using everything possible to communicate with us? Or are we tuned into the world’s version of how to live? Look around you; look at the wonders of God’s creation—they are calling out to you. Just as the promises and the prophecies of Scripture speak loudly as they call out to you. What’s going on here? God wants to help you find your way home!
And when God sends signs, then listen up people—be faithful. Let those signs lead us to Scripture. Then, as Scripture directs us—be humble and let it lead us to worship. And as we worship the Son—be grateful. Because he will lead us home! This is our Epiphany not just at Christmas, but for every day of our lives. Hallelujah, we are home! AMEN.
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