Bigger Than Mountains … This weekend I am thinking of the “mountain” in the way, like Ukraine versus Russia, Japan vs a 7.4 earthquake, like our policeman facing military-armed thugs, like…fill in your own mountains. We all have them don’t we, finances, prodigals, health issues, family dysfunction, and relationships gone awry. Mountains in our way. Many of us know the mountain “scripture” from Matthew 17:20 [The Voice]

“Because you have so little faith, I tell you this:
if you had even a faint spark of faith,
even faith as tiny as a mustard seed,
you could say to this mountain,
“Move from here to there,” and because
of your faith, the mountain would move.
If you had just a sliver of faith,
you would find nothing impossible.”

When you read this what comes to mind? Does it fill you with renewed strength to tackle your mountain? Some folks aren’t happy with Jesus saying “we have little faith” but if we don’t think God will move our mountains then what kind of faith do we have? Good question!

Another angle is saying, “I’ve prayed over and over but the mountain is still there.” Could be very true, but have you looked to see if God provided a path around that mountain? Have you asked God why the mountain hasn’t moved? Sometimes we forget God always hears our prayers but God’s answer may not be what we want, yet God knows what is best for us. Ouch I say, because that is difficult to our human scope of mind and desire.

Who comes to mind when you think of mountains? For me, it is the crazy climber who decided to get to the top of Mount Everest. What was Sir Edmund Hillary thinking—and why do it? I’ve never figured out mountain climbing, it is extraordinarily dangerous and for many, including Mt. Everest, that end story is often found in a cemetery!

Read this perspective of Hillary. For me, I think we would be wise to grasp his wisdom:

Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. And he had an extraordinary way of looking at the seemingly impossible task of climbing it. In fact, after one failed attempt, he literally shouted to the mountain, “You cannot get any bigger, but I can.”  I don’t know about you, but my response to that is “really?” One has to admit his grit and desire and obvious courage. Hillary also said, “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”

Now that resonates with me. After all, he was smart enough to understand the principle that to climb mountains and overcome external obstacles so he could “get bigger on the inside” that is the inside of his mind where we either will succeed or succumb.

Think about David—talk about “mountains in his way!” Yet, in Psalm 18:29 he spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. With confidence he said: “In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.”

I recommend reading that entire Psalm when you are up against the mountains of life. Just the first 3 verses will encourage you to read it all:

“I love you, Lord; you are my strength.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Savior;
my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.
I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise,
and he saved me from my enemies.”

Like me, you may be one who isn’t ready to “scale a mountain with an 80lb pack on your back” but we all must be ready to face those mountains and decide how to conquer up, down or around them or moving them. Just remember, if you do this alone, you will not succeed. You would be like the novice climber who takes one bottle of water for an 8-hour day.

No, mountain-moving is what God does for us. Whether God moves it or gives you the path over, under or around it, let God do it. Rest in the confidence and strength that only our mighty God has. And then be—please-please be prepared to be patient! God’s mountain-moving may not always come out the way YOU think it should, be it will always be perfectly on-time and always be what is the best for you, AMEN.