A Ticket To Paradise… Hello weekend readers. On our way home from New Mexico I found an “oldies” radio station. One of my favorites, “Two Tickets To Paradise” from Eddie Money came on. I started singing and even Moose, our Labra-Dane chimed in. Unfortunately, I can’t get the song out of my mind…I’ve been singing it every day since!! So, my musing is “what does a ticket to paradise mean?” Well, a couple days ago I was listening to a podcast by Sheila Walsh, one of my favorites. Sheila is a Christian vocalist, songwriter, evangelist, author, inspirational speaker, talk-show host, and a wonderful woman of faith and how she shares it with both word and song. With her permission, here is the episode about a “ticket to paradise” … enjoy!
“It all started with an innocent pink ticket that my young son, Christian, received to get into a show at an amusement park. The day after we went to the amusement park, I was cleaning our dog Belle’s bed when the ticket fell out. “I put it there, Mom,” Christian said. “It’s so she can get in.” I said, “I’m not sure Belle wants to go to the amusement park.” Then Christians said, “It’s not for the park, it’s so she can get into heaven. It’s her pink ticket.” I explained to him that we don’t need a pink ticket to get into heaven. We go because we trust in Jesus. Exasperated, Christian rolled his eyes and said loudly, “Mom, I know that, but the Bible didn’t say what my dog might need. Belle won’t be able to say anything to Jesus, Mom. But if she has a pink ticket, she should be good.”
As a dog lover, I wanted to hug that boy. He cared for a dog which is a wonderful gift from God—spell ‘dog’ backwards—you know what I mean. But, beneath the words and a chuckle, this story kept swirling in my mind. It took me back to that song, and those days when often I felt neglected by friends. I wasn’t invited to parties because they knew I didn’t like pot and booze. I was an athlete—I would not break the rules for parties like this. I also didn’t want to let my parents down. So, often I was overlooked. I didn’t have a pink ticket, sometimes it hurt, but in the end, I knew I did the right thing. In fact, once I went into ministry I looked back at those days and I knew Jesus was working on me to stay on the right path-phew! Sometimes we don’t realize how Jesus invites us over and over again to walk with him. That’s how he calls us his precious children. I think when we get older we finally realize it!
So, still singing the song, it made me think that there is a deeper meaning and voila—the Apostle John gave it to me: “But for all who did receive and trust in Him, He gave them the right to be reborn as children of God; He bestowed this birthright not by human power or initiative but by God’s will.” [John 1:12-13 The Voice]
Jesus continues day after day to invite those who are lost, wandering, hurting, etc. The invitation is always open, but some folks don’t want anything to do with it. Why? There are countless reasons but not a single one makes any sense. I listen to Pastor Rick Warren’s sermons when I can’t get to church; one sermon was about success in life that is no success unless God is in it. He said “A person can achieve incredible success in life or reach the peak of their profession, but if they don’t know where they’ll spend eternity, they’ve missed the greatest invitation of all.”
Statistics tell us that many people faithfully sit in church but have no personal relationship with Jesus. I know many of them, and it’s like “duty calls” instead of “love is calling.” You may have the best job in the world, a wonderful family, lots of friends, etc.; but, unless you have a relationship with Jesus you don’t have a ticket to paradise. Only Jesus can give you this ultimate gift…and it is free. Yet people say ‘no’ I’m doing life my way.
In closing, I can only imagine what heaven will be. That’s why I want my family members, my friends—everyone, to take the invitation Christ has for us. It changes our lives; it changes our communities and our world. And most of all, the reality of our future eternal home in heaven impacts how we live here on this earth—right now! So, you don’t need a ticket to God’s paradise because Jesus has already put your name on the invitation’s “yes list!” Now go share Jesus’ invitation to others. Let’s let the list grow and grow, AMEN.
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