A Lesson Wrapped Up In A Quiz… Hello to my Hump Day readers. I thought you might like a quiz today for part of this devotion. I love to figure out a good quiz. It challenges me and I often find myself reading about things that I didn’t know and I love stomping through history and others goodies. Learning is always fun and often somewhat adventurous as well.

This quiz today is predicated on what makes a difference in your life. Probably not what you expected but hang in there with me because there is a lot of wisdom to gain for living from this quiz. As you look at each question, take your time if you have to look it up.

QUIZ here we go:
1.  Name the 10 wealthiest men/women in the world.
2.  Name the last ten Heisman Trophy winners.
3.  Name 8 people who have won the Nobel Prize.
4.  Name 10 Academy Award winners for best picture.
5.  Name the last decade World Series winners.
6.  Name 10 champions from the last Summer and Winter Olympics
7.  Name all the first cousins in your family.
8.  Name the last 5 winners of the Kentucky Derby.
9.  Name the final Jeopardy winner of 2022/2023.
10. Name the 10 tallest Skyscrapers in the world.

If you’re like me, I didn’t do very well. I knew a few of each question and the hardest for me was the cousins!! It is surprising how quickly we can forget things even if they are the best in their fields and widely renowned.

Now let’s try another quiz:
1.  Name 5 people you love getting together with.
2.  Name 5 people who have taught you something worthwhile.
3.  Name 5 friends who’ve been there with you in difficult times.
4.  Name 5 teachers who were important and made a difference in your journey.
5.  Name 5 relatives that have impacted your life in wonderful ways.

So, how did you do on this one? For me, it was easier and here is the wisdom between these two quiz games: It’s the people who make a difference in our lives, who have concern and care for us—not the one with lots of press and credentials. -Max Lucado

Sadly, we live in a society where people look up to those with fame, fortune and prestige; we want to emulate many of them even when we see the dark side of so many of them! Jesus tells us “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” [Luke 12:34] Doesn’t that equate with the second quiz? It was easier because you were reminded of the treasure of family and friends who love and care for you because it made and still makes a difference in your life. It doesn’t mean that the first quiz is just fluff—after all, many of those people have made a true and lasting gift to humanity! But it should remind us of that: ‘what fills our hearts and minds is the energy we need for living’.

By God’s grace, we have been set apart from worldly pursuits of greatness. We are called to serve others with the grace and love that God has entrusted to us. In God’s ‘upside down Kingdom’ those who serve are the greatest of all, reflecting the character of Jesus himself, “who came not to be served but to serve.”

I’d like to close this devotion from Galatians 6:8-9 [NLT]: “Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. So, let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Now, apply this to the quizzes we just used and the wisdom is yours! AMEN.