“For we are the product of His hand,
heaven’s poetry etched on lives,
created in the Anointed, Jesus,
to accomplish the good works
God arranged long ago.”

-Ephesians 2:10 [Voice]

A Time to Think… “Prayer is a choice. For us to pray, to give thanks, or to voice our questions and doubts shows that we are choosing to leave an opening in our spirits. Without this opening, there is no vessel, no place into which God can breathe.” ― Joanna Laufer, author, freelance editor, interviewer who specializes in the fields of religion and literature

A Time to Act… What comes to your mind today? Is it “Time for my prayers” or “I want to thank God” or something else? Today, make it a habit to recognize that your faith will lead you to great things and the prayers you speak to God will open your spirit for God’s Holy Spirit to breathe into you.

A Time to Pray… Oh, Holy Spirit of the Living God, fill me with the breath of God until I am so filled that my day will be one of worship and praise. Fill the vessels of my heart, mind and soul that I may be a shining light for others who feel empty, confused and living in darkness. I want to share my faith so others can know you and your incredible love, unending mercy and grace. In your name I ask it, AMEN.