“Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding.” -Matthew 6:1 MSG 

A Time to Think…
“When people enter a church to see God yet can’t see God because of the church, don’t think for a second that God does not react.
-Max Lucado, pastor, writer/author

A Time to Act…
Welcome to another day God has given you. May your first steps be that toward God, talking and listening together. Ask God for wisdom for your day, peace for your mind, soul, and heart, and most important—a day to share your faith humbly with joy and encouragement.

A Time to Pray…
O Lord, as your child it can be so easy to think we know it all; that because we follow you that we have some kind of ‘pulpit’ that lifts us up over others. It is wrong, and Jesus has given us the example of being humble, kind, reaching out to others with love and sharing our faith instead of showing off what we think we know. So many people need you today and may I be the humble voice and love of Jesus to them so they find him—not me. AMEN.