Look Closely—Sometimes Peace “Rests in a Nest”… This weekend I am musing on ‘peace’—something that we all feel in this time of the world is an elusive pipe-dream. From the unjust war Russia is inflicting on Ukraine, the upheaval of climate changes seeing weather destruction from around the globe, and then right in our own town, cities, states and countries, the senseless killings, molestation, and violence in every sector. One has to agree that this certainly makes peace seem elusive indeed.

Yet, in Philippians 4:6-7 [CEV], the Apostle Paul who lived very much in a peace-less world like us, penned this comfort from a jail cell where he was incarcerated:

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything.
With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God.
Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus,
God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand.
And this peace will control the way you think and feel.”

The CEV-Contemporary English Translation, really brings out that last sentence—God’s peace will control how we think and feel. Have you ever thought about that? This passage in Philippians is powerful, yet sometimes we have to stop and think of each sentence so we don’t miss its power-packed wisdom for living life in this crazy world!

Here is a true story you might like in regards to people’s idea of “peace.” The New York Arts Society and College of the Arts decided to have a contest of all their students, which ranged from every age and background, to find the “perfect picture” of peace. The response was so huge they opened it up to anyone to send in their picture. Soon, paintings arrived from all over North America and even some from Europe and Australia. This challenge obviously stirred the artists’ imagination!

The contest lasted 60 days, but because of the quantity of pictures turned in, it took over 9 months to go through them all. Finally, they whittled it all down to two paintings (after much wrangling from opposing ideas between the judges!). This is where the idea of peace really takes a turn…read on, it’s pretty amazing.

The head judge revealed the first one and a hush fell over the crowd. It depicted a serene mirror-smooth lake that reflected lacy, green birches under the soft yet colorful blush of the evening sky. To add the peace quotient, the painter has a flock of sheep grazing on the grassy shores, completely undisturbed (that’s rare for sheep). The whispers and smiles told the judge this was going to be IT…but…

Then he revealed the second painting and a large gasp from the crowd arose, surprising all the judges. Why? This painting depicted a tumultuous waterfall cascading down a high rocky and dangerous precipice. The crowd spoke up loudly, “I can feel its icy-cold, penetrating spray enveloping me.” Others voiced their love of the dark stormy-gray clouds with streams of exploding lightning, along with wind, and rain. The judges were now very confused.

Then, one of the younger artists shouted out “Look at that spindly tree!” Someone else said “It will never last in this violent storm.” But the youngster was not to be one-upped, “No, look in the tree, I mean—look what is in there!” He got their attention and a young lady next to him had tears running down her cheeks, saying “it is a little bird snug in her nest, she isn’t even afraid of the storm, now that is peace if you ask me.”

Yep, you can guess who won the contest, the storm with the bird in the nest! They called the artist to come up and the older stately lady told the crowd, “I put this in my picture to remind us that, in God’s peace, we can manifest contentment. I believe God’s peace transcends all earthly turmoil for all creatures.” Heads started to nod, and there was no question that the artist’s testimony provoked much thought, if not giving people a sense of peace amidst their own trials and tribulations.

So, are you “resting in your nest?” Contentment is never easy, mostly because we rarely practice it, and that is sad indeed. In a world gone somewhat nuts, it is us—the children of God—who know God is in control in this world. It may not seem like it, but we place our trust in the very God who created it all, and when we do, we will find the “peace that surpasses all understanding” which allows our hearts and minds to be just like that little bird, “content to rest in her nest.”

Friends, peace is not elusive; God did not hide peace from us. So, next time you feel the tumult is too big to handle, take a deep breath and say, “God, I come running to rest in your nest because I believe it is the only place I can find peace and rest, knowing your Spirit always controls the way I think and feel.” AMEN.