Holy Wednesday – The Quiet Betrayal

The major event of Holy Wednesday is Judas’ decision to betray Jesus. Although the betrayal doesn’t take place for another day, our knowledge of the impending act colors our reading of the Last Supper story. Judas went “under-cover” to make this betrayal happen so often on this day, it is called The Quite Betrayal. It is also called Spy Wednesday, which is akin to a quiet betrayal by Judas, who obviously did not want what he did to get out to anyone, especially Jesus. How sad, though, of Judas’ lack of faith. Had he walked in faith in Jesus, and embraced Jesus’ teachings, along with the miracle-healings, he would have already known that Jesus knew exactly what he would do.

“Then one of the twelve disciples—the one named Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What will you give me if I betray Jesus to you?” They counted out thirty silver coins and gave them to him. From then on Judas was looking for a good chance to hand Jesus over to them.” -Matthew 26:14-16 [GNT]

A Thought To Remember
“Remember this: God, in judging us, loves us. If I embrace his love then I am saved, if I refuse it, then I am condemned, not by him, but my own self, because God never condemns, he only loves and saves.” -Pope Francis

My Response
O Jesus, Precious Savior, may I never betray you, yet I know when I am afraid to talk about my faith, it is if I had turned my heart from you. Like Judas, it can be easy to feel that everything is falling apart, so we feel we can take it into our hands and make things better. It doesn’t work, it never has. Holy Spirit, continue to nudge me, to remind me I am not the captain of my life. Breathe in me your leading, wisdom, and gentle guidance as we walk my faith journey in this life. AMEN.