“But you, Bethlehem of Ephrathah,
of the clans of Judah, are no poor relation.
From your people will come a Ruler
who will be the shepherd of My people, Israel,
Whose origins date back to the distant past,
to the ancient days.”
-Micah 5:2 [Voice]
A Time to Think…
“The hinge of history is on the door of a Bethlehem stable.” -The Rev.Ralph Washington Sockman (d.1970) at Christ Church Methodist, New York City, a had daily devotions radio show through NBC networks
A Time to Act…
As we start this month in Advent, ask yourself “what does Christmas really mean to me? Think back to your good and tough times in this season and how you got through it. Then remember that God was in it all, from Genesis to the stable in Bethlehem!
A Time to Pray…
O God, your idea of sending your Son to save us is an idea many cannot comprehend and I pray this year as we start Advent to Christmas, that you give me the strength and courage to share what Jesus was all about. May this be a year of taking my time to share the Gospel to a world sitting in darkness. Only in you, O Lord, can I do this, AMEN.
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