“He entered our world, a world He made;
yet the world did not recognize Him.
Even though He came to His own people,
they refused to listen and receive Him.
But for all who did receive and trust in Him,
He gave them the right to be reborn as children of God;
He bestowed this birthright not by human power
or initiative but by God’s will.”

-John 1:10-13 [Voice]

A Time to Think…
“It is impossible to conceive how different things would have turned out if that birth had not happened whenever, wherever, however it did … for millions of people who have lived since, the birth of Jesus made possible not just a new way of understanding life but a new way of living it. It is a truth that, for twenty centuries, there have been untold numbers of men and women who, in untold numbers of ways, have been so grasped by the child who was born, so caught up in the message he taught and the life he lived, that they have found themselves profoundly changed by their relationship with him.” -Fredrick Buechner-American author, Presbyterian minister, and theologian.

A Time to Act…
It is Christmas Day! We will gather for meals, open packages, sing songs, watch football, play outside in the snow…and so much more. Take a moment to thank Jesus for all of this, because without Jesus, this day wouldn’t happen and without Jesus our lives would fade like the sundown. In all you do rejoice and give thanks to the Christ of the manger and the Christ of the Cross and the Living Christ of Resurrection!

A Time to Pray… O Jesus, Precious Savior, we celebrate your life’s beginning on this Christmas Day and we thank You for coming into our world and giving us life in more abundance than we could ever imagine. In You we have life filled with joy, hope and peace of mind. And all that is because of Your incredible love. Thank you for coming into our world and saving us. We look forward to the day where we see you face-to-face, AMEN!