“You see, everything written in the days of old was recorded to give us instructions for living. We find encouragement through the Scriptures and a call to perseverance that will produce hopeful living.” -Romans 15:4 VOICE

A Time to Think…
“Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.”
-Charles Haddon Spurgeon, preacher/author

A Time to Act…
Have you read your bible lately? Your day works so much better when you arise, speak to the Lord and delve into his Word where the Scriptures will guide you throughout the day. Those are the precious instructions God has given to humanity…so let’s use it!

A Time to Pray…
O Lord, help me to hear your voice deep in my heart, guiding me in every step of my life. When I am confused or hurting, may the Holy Spirit push me to your words that guide me, counsel me, give me assurance, hope and the ability to persevere in this life. AMEN.