“Therefore, let us no longer judge one another. Instead decide never to put a stumbling block or pitfall in the way of your brother or sister.”-Romans 14:13 [CEV]

A Time to Think…
“The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way in which we use them.” -Anonymous

A Time to Act…
How your day goes is how you make it. You can make it your stumbling block, or use it as a lesson to help yourself and others. You can be angry and give a stumbling block to someone else. What is your choice with those rocks? The answer is to ask Jesus what you should do!

A Time to Pray…
O God, just for one day let me see only the good. Let me remove the stumbling block in my life and the stumbling blocks I often put in front of others. Please give me the eyes of faith, the heart of hope, and the care for myself and others. I am tired of stumbling, hold me up, hold me in your arms. AMEN.