Like A Bridge Over Troubled Waters… Hello Hump Day readers. As I write this on a rainy day at Lake Abiquiu, I am delighted for the rain out here in the southwest, but my heart reaches out to the flooding all over the world. Europe is flooding, typhoons continue in the Pacific, and in the USA heavy rains continue to batter many states. Many folks are in trouble because they don’t have the money for flood insurance; houses are floating and breaking up. All the troubles of these floods got me thinking of a favorite song I love, Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel. It’s old, from 1970 and yet is one of the top most beloved songs.

Simon wrote the words and he said the song came to him very quickly, so much so that he asked himself: “Where did that come from? It doesn’t seem like me.” He realized a friend, gospel writer Claude Jeter of the Swan Silvertones, had a song with a phrase: “I’ll be your bridge over deep water if you trust in my name.” Simon acknowledged his debt to Jeter in person—even handed him a royalty check! Simon, being Jewish, named Johann Sebastian Bach’s O Sacred Head, Now Wounded as inspiration for the melody! When asked why he said “God knows we are weary and tired. God gives us a bridge to get over the tough waters.”

So, what should we do when we are lonely, wounded, weary and tired? Here are 3 thoughts that can settle our heart, soul, body and mind: Look In – Look Out – Look Up!

LOOK IN–What do I feel? In John 11:35, two words that still resonate today for us are: Jesus wept. Remember when he arrived at Bethany 3 days after his good friend Lazarus had died? Jesus was so deeply moved by grief, yet he knew what the outcome would be—he would raise Lazarus from the dead, knowing that in his new life he would have grief and trials and he would still have to die again! Jesus wrestled with troubles—so do we. We can rejoice, however, because in Jesus we have the trust and power to get through the troubled waters!

LOOK OUT—What am I focusing on? Have you ever wondered why God allows people to act in ways that break God’s heart? It’s a question we cannot answer, but what we do know is the promise from Romans 8:28 [Voice]: “We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.” If we keep that verse in our hearts, we can stop focusing on our problems and focus on the potential of what God has for our problems and how God will work through them!

LOOK UP—What should I do about it? First, we need to stop whining, otherwise we will continue on the “long and whining road!” Let’s go to Isaiah 6, where the prophet was in the temple and he saw the Lord sitting on a lofty throne; the train of his robe filled the Temple and angels were flying around shouting “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory!” Then Isaiah said out-loud “I am not worthy, I am a sinner, I need help” and the Lord intervened immediately saying out-loud: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Isaiah replied “Here I am! Send me Lord!” I am always in awe of how Isaiah didn’t hesitate to say those words. I know this should be our attitude as well but is it? In our politically charged country, our gun deaths, our attitudes of hatred to others who don’t think like us or look like us—and so much, we can fret over all that is wrong but what are we going to do to make it right? Isaiah knew what to do and we should, too. So, instead of whining, we become winners with the power of God, who will send us out to share the mercy, healing, and forgiveness that is so needed. We may not solve all the problems, but hand-in-hand with God we can make a difference for our lives and others. Reminds of the Jesus’ words of the Great Commission, right?!

I don’t know what troubled waters you may have today, but if you would look in, look out and look up to God, your heavy souls will be enlightened and filled with mercy and grace that God wants you to live with and share with. One step-at-a time, little-by-little—we can do our part to make a ‘bridge over troubled waters’ with those who have given up, those who can no longer tread the water and are sinking. Be like Isaiah – Lord send me—send me! AMEN.