“The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race;
he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God.”

-Psalm 14:2 [NLT]

A Time to Think… “There’s nothing like God’s presence in our lives, but sometimes we chase the sensational and miss the supernatural…but too often we rush right by the nuanced, miraculous ways God shows up in our story every day. When we pursue the heart of God through the Word of God, that’s when we experience the presence of God—and it makes all the difference in our lives.” -Susan Larson, Author, Speaker

A Time to Act… We need to remember that God is closer than our next breath. That is the kind of closeness we need in pursuing the heart of God, to live in God’s presence, and seek God daily. It changes our lives in ways we can never imagine.

A Time to Pray… O God, help me to stop pursuing things that are just chaff in the wind. Set my pursuit toward you. Calm my heart as I enter your presence, and change me through and through so I can experience your miraculous love and grace every day. AMEN.