“Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act.
Don’t worry about evil people who prosper
or fret about their wicked schemes.
Stop being angry! Turn from your rage!
Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm.”
-Psalm 37:7-8 [NLT]

A Time to Think… “Stepping out of anger means you are surrendering your will to God. It means you have accepted that you don’t have to have your way.” ―Dallas Willard Ph.D. Psychologist, Professor, Philosopher, Master writer of Christian spiritual formation (Sept 1935-May 2013)

A Time to Act… What happens to us when we are angry? Well, worry and anger often go hand in hand. They’re both about feeling threatened, and both represent, ultimately, a lack of trust. But here is the good news for us each day: we get to see all over again how freeing it really is to trust God by handing over our anger and worries. In doing so, that starts our day off on a the “right foot!”

 A Time to Pray… O Lord, my anger isn’t a sign of trust; it’s the very opposite and the more I stew about it, the angrier I get and then the worries start to pile up. Help me to turn off the fuse and instead, turn my trust in You to take care of whatever incident has set me on fire. Without you, God, I cannot control this. Help me to surrender to You, that I may live a life of peace in my whole body, soul and mind. AMEN.