“Cast your troubles upon the Eternal; His care is unceasing! He will not allow His righteous to be shaken.” -Psalm 55:22 [Voice]

A Time to Think…
“Our shoulders aren’t broad enough to handle life any other way than to give our doubts and fears to God.” -Christine Caine, bible scholar, author, founder of Global A1 Anti-trafficking

A Time to Act…
We have those days when we’re surrounded by pain, suffering, and injustice and the only way to get through that is through the strength and love of God. So, today, leave it at His feet. You’re not alone. You never have been and never will be.

A Time to Pray…
O Lord, there are so many days that I feel alone, abandoned with my thoughts and hurts that shake my mind and hurt my heart. Help me to turn to you immediately when these trials come. Help me trust in your strength to help me through instead of me trying on my own. In you, my Lord and Savior, I am safe in your arms no matter my situation. AMEN.