“And then—THEN!—they’ll see the Son of Man welcomed in grand style—a glorious welcome! When all this starts to happen, up on your feet. Stand tall with your heads high. Help is on the way!” -Luke 21:27-28 The Message

A Time to Think…
“It has been said that when you get to the end of yourself, you get to the beginning of God.” -The Reverend Billy Graham

A Time to Act…
What do you do when you are going through a hardship? Some have plans A, B, C, D, etc., and others can be confused and scared. And many just say: “If God doesn’t come through, it’s over—but, what does that really mean? Think of hardships this way: they may seem horrible, but it’s actually an opportunity for God to show you His glory!

A Time to Pray…
O Lord, way too often I am not looking for You in my time of crisis. I know you are right there speaking to me, but I am not listening. You are also there ready to lead me in those times but I can be stubborn enough to go my own way. Help me to seek you first in those times. Help me remember that you are always right on time for me. Holy Spirit, lead me into the strength and grace of my loving Savior, AMEN.