“But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” -Psalm 86:15 [NLT]

A Time to Think…
The hardest test God will ever give you is to love someone even when they don’t deserve it.” -Anonymous

A Time to Act…
Forgiveness is the gift God gave for you and God wants you to exercise forgiveness for yourself and for others. Today you may encounter an angry person or words that someone will hurl at you. Be calm, remember how God forgives you and then you will have the strength to forgive as well.

A Time to Pray…
O Lord, I often forget the healing power of forgiveness. I can be angry, upset at myself and others, and I want to be healed of that anger but I can get so mad I don’t want to forgive. Breathe in me the power of your Holy Spirit, that I may be your loving and forgiving child. With your help I can do this, AMEN.