“You know what they say, 
“Just a little yeast causes all the dough to rise,” 
so even the slightest detour from the truth will
take you to a destination you do not desire. ”
-Galatians 5:9 [Voice]

A Time to Think… “The power of God’s words works as leaven in the heart, awakening us to a personal experience of the presence of God that Scripture reveals.”  ―James Finley

A Time to Act… In this new day, be aware of all things around you, embrace the presence of the Spirit of God and experience the gifts God gives you on this day. Don’t be distracted, don’t take a detour, trust in the presence of God in this day!

A Time to Pray… O God, your presence has never left me and it is always around me, yet I stress, I look to my own wisdom or that of others, forgetting you are right there by my side, living in my heart and directing my thoughts and steps in my faith-journey. Help me to remember when I worry, and fill me anew with the power of your Holy Spirit, AMEN.